Facebook is a procrastination to my life as a writer but it has come into its own for me this Christmas.
I had made up photo albums for my son and daughter as Christmas presents (with real printed photos!) and Facebook was there to appease some of the disappointment at my son not receiving his in the post. (I swear I’ll never post anything to the Czech Republic again if it doesn’t turn up soon!)
I had planned using my official time off from work over the festive season to complete the final edit of my short story collection, ready to send off to my proofreader friend prior to publication. But with these photos not arriving for my son, I spent precious writing time sorting through and uploading JPEG versions of some of the photos onto Facebook.
It turned out to be time well-spent because not only could my son view them but the whole of my virtual family and friends could too. It has been lovely to catch up with what everyone is doing over Christmas and read the comments the photos have attracted, thereby bringing alive shared memories from the past.
Now that I have travelled the nostalgic path of the past and got it out of my system (for another year), I can look forward to a New Year’s Eve that will not see me wallowing in the wine of self-pity. Instead, I will be celebrating with a final read through of my short story collection before sending it off to my proofreader friend prior to publication.
Wishing you all a blessed New Year.