Originally from Middleton, Lancashire, I moved to Scarborough with my husband in 1997. I find the North Yorkshire Coastline a great resource for encouraging creativity and enjoy walking by the sea, believing that to be an important part of my inspiration as water represents and connects to the emotions, which is what I love to write about.
My writing life began in early childhood when I used the written word as a way of dealing with emotions that I found difficult to express orally. The majority of my work is based on my own and others’ life experiences and emotions. As an aid to this I keep a journal of ideas to use within my writing. The journal encompasses conversations, overheard or otherwise, and my thoughts of what I encounter whilst out walking, as well as recording life memory events. I read through its pages intermittently and words I’ve written in the past often branch out to find new life.
The main thrust of my writing is autobiographical and I weave this into a fictional story. I believe that using the emotion of a real experience adds another dimension to the writing. I leave it up to readers to determine what is true by looking at what is true for them.