One hundred hearts made with loving care and sent out to one hundred artists by Untangled Threads.
The one hundred put their heart and soul into creating statements of themselves within their own concept of the WW1 heart-ship. I am not an artist by any stretch of the imagination and my vision was far bigger than my ability.
However, I am a Christian and I like to provide sacred spaces for prayer and contemplation. With this in mind, my inspiration – to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the end of WW1 – was inspired by the analogy of sacrifice that the soldiers made for our freedom and God’s sacrifice of his son, Jesus Christ, for the sake of mankind.
The significance of the heart being emptied of its sawdust represents God’s love pouring out for us at the cross of crucifixion (and the blood-shed of the soldiers). The pink scrolls (containing scripture verses) placed in the sawdust around the cross represent hope (God’s promises to mankind).
The miniature booklet that accompanies the work was created using the image from the St John’s Gospel Bible, which each soldier was issued with, to provide them the comfort of God’s promises during the war.

A copy of the prayer/contemplation booklet is free to take home with you from the exhibition and contains the following text:
‘There is no greater love than this; that a man would lay down his life for his friends.’ (paraphrase John 15v3)
A crown of thorns,
a pain-pierced side,
hands and feet impaled;
the blood poured from his body
as his precious love unveiled.
(Julie Fairweather)
‘Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.’ (1 John 4:11-12)
Brothers and Sisters,
when we are stripped of our selves,
of our expectations
and others’ expectations
of what we are or should be,
God’s grace will flow down
into our empty vessels
and fill us with the love He intended
for His purpose. His plan.
Not mine. Not yours.
Then God’s glory will shine from within us
to radiate this love we have received
and Mankind will rejoice in knowing
they are in the presence of love
because love is the essence of us.
(Julie Fairweather)
INRI: The sign used to mock Jesus at his crucifixion “JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS” would have been written, “Iesus Nazarenes Rex Iudaeorum.” Abbreviated, this phrase results in “INRI.” (John 19:19)
Replica WWI Active Service Saint John’s Gospels available free here.